Pictures Worth A Thousand Words


Family Conversion

This was a memorable and unforgettable result of our door-to-door evangelism!


The Turkana tribe

To get to our destination to visit with the Turkana Tribe and bring food, clothes and the gospel, was a major undertaking.  Between point A and point B we had to go in a convoy of approximately 12 vehicles each one carrying a guard equipped with a rifle, because of tribal tension in that area.
We brought staples like beans, rice, maze and also clothes. The people came in line singing beautiful songs. Then we were told they had no water to cook the food with.  The nearest available water supply was ten miles away.
We did a baseline survey to dig a well for them but the water level was way too far down.  What a heartbreaking experience.


Maasai wedding

Pastor John Tino got married to Mercy Ntinin in 2012.  This wedding was unbelievable and something I’ve never experienced.
Katherine Brown and I were invited and attended.  We sponsored this wedding and It was a blessing to us and all Maasai who attended.



Namibia was an amazing experience walking through sand and many miles to preach the gospel.  People were so open and so eager to accept the Lord.
When souls come to Jesus the objective also is to build a place of worship for them to gather together.


Food Aid

At times Katherine Brown and I would bring 100 pounds of the dried vegetables- these were donations from “Gleaners” - which is a volunteer based company that dries fruit and vegetables for NGOs



This is a DEAD Black Mamba.  A very poisonous snake.  As we were designated the area where we were to go door-to-door sharing the GOSPEL
my partner came across this snake . His name is pastor John Sankara from India and he knew how to protect himself from this creature.   Had it been me in his place God only knows.  God has promised to go with us and He does.


Maasai’s New Transportation

This vehicle was donated to one of the Maasai tribesmen who is a leader and pastor in his area.   The only vehicle around which is such a Godsend for emergencies to take people to hospital in the nearest town.
We celebrated this day with eating and dancing to the Lord.